Eliot Jane Walton

(she/her) PhD Candidate


As a scientist and  researcher, I know that the scientific enterprise is enhanced by increasing the diversity of scientists. Different backgrounds, life experiences and abilities lead to a more dynamic and innovative research environment, and helps to correct the inherent biases which all people carry with them. 

This diversity in perspective helps to ensure that scientific research, especially where it is funded by public money produces results which benefit the whole of the public, not only a certain subsection.  I have also found that working in science can be an socially, emotionally and intellectually enriching environment, and one which should be accessible to all people who desire it. 
Photo of (left to right) Eliot Jane Walton; Emily Filmer; Shanette De La Motte. Image Credit: Shanette De La Motte with the assistance of Arts Centre staff.
Outreach Activities:

Below is a non-exhaustive list of active and previous outreach (or community service) activities with which I have engaged.


LHCb Masterclass exercise: Measuring the D0 lifetime
(Mar. 18)

Presented the introduction to the exercise with Dr Michal Kreps to about a hundred high-school students. Assisted students with the exercise after the introduction.


Lepton-Photon Outreach
(Jul. 15-21)

I was involved as a volunteer for the 31st International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies was hosted by Monash University in Melbourne. I was part of the team responsible for the conference's X (formerly Twitter) account (available here).

I wrote a summary of the conference for the CERN Courier, published in the Nov/Dec 2023 issue (available here). The article was edited by the Courier staff and by Prof. Ulrik Egede.

EDI Committee Participation

Continued participation (EDI) for the Monash School of Physics and Astronomy. During this time, I performed only minor tasks.


Participated in International Day for Women and Girls in Science. 
(Feb. 13).

"This little girl grew up to be a scientist!". This event involved breakfasting with a group of young women studying STEMM subjects, and answering their questions about studying science in university, and what it is like to follow a career in science as a woman.

EDI Committee Participation

Joined and participated in the Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for the Monash School of Physics and Astronomy. During this time, I reviewed the National Student Safety Survey (NSSS) for the committee; proposed and organised that professional development hours be awarded to PhD students for specific work undertaken to improve the EDI conditions of the School, and organised a Pronoun Badge initiative. The badges were designed by Rowina Nathan.


The 100th LHCb Week

I participated as a collaborator and presenter on the talk "Supporting transgender and
non-binary colleagues" as part of the Early Career and Gender Diversity (ECGD) session for the 100th week-long meeting of the LHCb Collaboration. The details of the meeting are avaliable at: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1000115/

The slides are available at the above link, or directly here. They were written in collaboration with Eli Ben-Haim, Francesca Dordei, Dylan Jaide White, Igor Kostiuk, Tara Nanut and Nicole Skidmore, and were co-presented with Dylan Jaide White.  The talk was well attended and well received with the chat comments being recorded and shared.  See the Resources page for more resources suggested by participants.